

- News
Coatings made of PALUDE OAK, the staves of different sizes are treated with the brushing technique that creates pleasant tactile sensations and...
2 February 2017 reade more

Happy Holiday

- News
BLINDATO EFFEPI and V&P inform you that they will remain closed for the usual summer holidays from 6 August. The administrative office will...
30 July 2018 reade more


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Coatings made of KERLITE (Cotto D'Este), totally eco-sustainable ceramic product, result of a technology of excellence in the field of...
8 September 2017 reade more

E-WAY participates in the XXIII Compasso d'oro

E-Way, the armored sliding door sliding razor produced by Effepi, after the award of the ADI INDEX 2012 recognition participates in the XXIII...
24 March 2014 reade more

Immensa Rasomuro armoured door obtains Burglar Resistance Class 4

- News
We are delighted to announce that the IMMENSA RASOMURO model armoured door, fitted with a hidden hinge and 180° opening, was tested on...
7 May 2013 reade more
© Blindato Effepi Srl - via Malpasso, 1735 B - 47842 - San Giovanni in Marignano (RN)
Capitale sociale € 52.000,00 i.v. - R.E.A 212925 - Reg.Imp.Rimini - Cod. Fisc e Piva IT01726850405 - Tel. +39.0541.957374 - Fax +39.0541.953444 -
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