
Blindato Effepi holds numerous patents for the technical solutions adopted for the production of its armoured doors. Blindato Effepi products also undergo testing and certification at the Giordano Institute in Bellaria (Italy), in compliance with European regulations in the sector. Armoured doors are certified according to UNI ENV 1627 which provides for classification in resistance classes I, basic level, growing in importance, II III IV V VI, according to a greater protective capacity.
Blindato Effepi products are recognizable by their own brand affixed on all production batches.

Quality and Research
Blindato Effepi passive guards are a sure reference for the entire security sector for their recognized strength, cutting-edge technology, as well as for their constructive and formal quality. An internal structure of the company, flanked by the stylistic research of design consultants, constantly upgrades design to provide a product which is always better and which differs from current production. Materials, surface protection, truly safe technical solutions, simplifications of installation techniques, a choice of over 4000 aesthetic solutions make Blindato Effepi products the leading proposal in the field of passive protection for homes and every building.

Quality and Environment
Blindato Effepi is a modern company ready for today's challenges, which pays the utmost attention to environmental aspects and a work environment that complies with legal requirements. In compliance with Law 81/08, the working environment is continuously monitored with the envisaged noise measurements, electrical checks, fire prevention and training courses, specific meetings are called and risk analysis is constantly updated.

The management of rejects and production waste is in full compliance with current regulations; sorting is carried out in such a way that sheet metal, steel profiles, wood, cardboard, packaging and plastic waste is disposed of by authorised and certified companies. Coating powders are inserted in a processing circuit with complete recovery without waste production. Blindato Effepi does not use combustible hydrocarbons, replaced a long time ago by natural gas.
© Blindato Effepi Srl - via Malpasso, 1735 B - 47842 - San Giovanni in Marignano (RN)
Capitale sociale € 52.000,00 i.v. - R.E.A 212925 - Reg.Imp.Rimini - Cod. Fisc e Piva IT01726850405 - Tel. +39.0541.957374 - Fax +39.0541.953444 - info@effepisecuritydoors.com
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